Today's post talks about my sorrow past which getting worst as the time passing. I just don't know what to do anymore. It seems like my life would not be as easy as i thought.
Ok change the topic. lets talk about my recent life.
I've done absolutely nothing, except one thing. I just relalised that i've made right decision, eventhough it felt pain at first but it started to get better and better and suddenly worst.
Because something just replaced it. I didnt know how it got into my head. I just want to release this thought. Because... I know that it ends the same as before.
It seems that i'm to young for this complicated feeling
I've tried to stop it. But..... ...... ...... .......(desperate)
I hope i can be in somewhere else. Somewhere where i can be able to know exactly how lucky am i to be here, surrounded by all these people.
Puas rasanya bisa ekspresiin diri walopun dalam tulisan. (Thanks for intruducing to the blog)
Baru2 ini gw merasa hati dan otak gw udah disconected. Soalnya yang gw lakuin kadang2 gak nyenengin hati dan terlalu banyak ngikutin otak yang bisa dikatakan mungkin terlalu egois. Lagian kayaknya gw selama ini kebanyakan mikir(bukan pelajaran),sampe2 banyak hal yang seharusnya udah gw buat tapi masih belum kesampean sampe sekarang(contohnya nyuci sepatu yang dari gw beli belum gw cuci).
Memang kesadaran akan diri kita selalu dateng belakangan dan mungkin buat gw masih belum terlambat, selama hayat masih dikandung badan.(kayaknya pernah denger deh)
Satu lagi gw lagi bingung mau diapain duit gw yang terpapang didepan meja gw ini. Awalnya duit itu mau dipake buat something tapi berubung the condition has changed jadi gak dipake deh. Emang bener ternyata duit cuma bikin kita pusing tapi kalo gak ada duit bakal lebih pusing.hehe. Rencananya mau gw bliin sesuatu yang bakal berguna buat diri gw dan bangsa tapi gw juga gak tau mau dibliin apa.
It seems that human just can run from problems, because they're keep coming, thats why we were given brains, to solve all those problems, many problems we solved many experiences we get.
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