Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Life has never been easy for all human kind. If it is easy that means you are doing it wrong same like maths, you must have had sacrificed something that should not be sacrificed such us family, friends and other people's life that are not supposed to be sacrificed/bothered. Because the only thing that needs to be sacrificed is everything in you (including time and energy). Help from family or friends do really make things easier but still your part needs to be the hardest.

I've got things settled for my RA recently and I'm officially employed. So a couple of days back I talked to my RA supervisor. I asked about things that I shall do for my first day of being employed here. But then he said that I should ask my Postgraduate/master supervisor. FYI, my master supervisor and RA supervisor are different person. But normally they should be the same person. I mean People usually do master under supervision of either Dr. or Professor and employed as RA under the same person as the master supervisor. But my case is I'm doing master and RA under 2 different persons. Technically, it will be a very difficult task for me since I need to handle two things at the same time. But according to what my RA supervisor said, I should follow what my master supervisor commands me to do.

My mind exploded after I heard what my RA supervisor said. I made him to explain twice for me just to get everything clear coz I thought he could probably said something that he thought was right, and yes he was right, nothing was tricky and I have normal hearing. It was just my imagination that thought my RA supervisor said something confusing. So for me it's like being employed by one company but I need to work for another company. I asked my master supervisor a week ago he said that we'll be going for field work on the first week of April and in the mean time we just need to study the previous studies regarding the area. So here I assume that I don't have to do anything(work).

But a few days back I've been contacted by the HRD saying that there was problem regarding my visa. The visa I'm using now prohibits me from being employed by any kind of employments. That means I need to cancel my old visa and change it to the employment visa. But for it to happen, it will take around one and a half months and in the mean time I wont receive my salary and depend solely on my savings. Moreover I have a field work to Sarawak on the first week of April. So with all these limited time, money, friends, energy and internet connection to get done with everything, it is so perfect for me to become famous. You know I will probably just get on an aeroplane and jump off and on the next day you'll find me in newspaper, but life must go on as what Celine Dion said "my heart life will go on and on".

I have thought of several solutions with several alternatives, and each one has pros and cons. So now it is only a matter of time for me to decide which one is the best.

Today I got probably one of the most horrifying news regarding my RA that I have ever received in this year. Ofcourse I just started the RA a few weeks ago. So once I got to my department my co-worker told me that we will have fieldwork for 40 days from 5th of March to 15 or April.


The moment I received this news I was like

"NO!NO!NO! This isn't true? What is this? is this a joke? seriously? I must be dreaming"

Then I asked him again and he said positive 100% yes. I don't know I should be happy or sad. I love field work but 40 days, it is like I don't know how to put it in words. I mean I just started my RA a month ago and then suddenly "poof" 40 days field work. This is madness. Besides I haven't even received my salary yet. So I need to use my own money then. How am I going to survive after the fieldwork? How am I going to live and carry on my own life? What about my family and children?(nope I don't have them yet).

Moreover my friend told me that I should read about micro-structural geology. Because last time he got brutally questioned by the lecturer and he could not answer properly. This is why my RA is going to be a double-edged sword for me. My master is sedimentology and RA now is structural geology. The last time I touched my structural geology notes was when the time I was still a nuisance student around 2 years back. Plus this field work has professor, Dr. and several master students from Utrech university. I guess I'll be mentally abused by them in the next 40 days. I don't even know why/how did I write on this blog now where I am supposed to study.

I'll be busy in the next 40 days but the writing must go on.

Funny sayings "Many species are in danger and getting extinct, including 'human being'"

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