Thursday, September 23, 2010

misery sonata..

Alhamdulillahirrabilalamin akhirnya gw sukses mengganti layout blog dan ulangan pun telah terlaksana dengan sangat tidak baik.. I think i am gonna fail the subject..hiks2

Kejadiannya dimulai dari pagi hari yang indah dimana gw belajar mengikuti instruksi yang diberikan oleh pak lecturer. Gw belajar dengan seksama dan aman sentosa serta dengan mencurahkan segala tenaga yang ada didalam raga dan jiwa. Segala hints yang diberikan gw pelajari dengan baik2 dan berharap bakal dapet full mark dalam test yang ini.

Tapi kenyataan yang ada malah berbeda dengan yang gw harapin. Jadi begitu soal dibagikan gw langsung ambil dan gak lupa berdoa abis itu gw kerjain deh. Pas liat soal ternyata ada 3 nomer. Soal nomer satu, 5 menit gw kerjain sambil senyum2. Pas liat soal nomer 2, mata gw udah mulai berair karena kagak begitu paham sama soalnya. Akhirnya gw ke soal nomer 3, pas gw baca gw langsung lemes dan gw langsung taroh kertasnya dengan jawaban seadanya. nomer satu semua gw jawab, nomer 2, 2 dari 5 nomer gw jawab, nomer 3 blank.


Rasanya pengen pulang kerumah trus tidur dan gak balik lagi buat kuliah...

Life is full of things that come beyond our expectations. Those are things that make our lifes colourful. Some make our lifes beautiful some do not and some cause great changes to our behaviours.

There are things that have brought a great impact on me. Such us having two friends in one room and falling in love. Those two things have taught me a lot of things and lessons about life. I've got lesson about sharing, tolerant and to adapt or to fit in into their lifes. It was hard at first, but finally i made it.

Besides, those two things have taught me to control my behaviour and attitude in front of them. I realized that I've disappointed them, but I've tried my best to be the best and i am sorry if I've hurted you all with my words or attitudes. Because you all will stay in "here" forever.

I just got a lesson about love from a website when i was looking for a true meaning of "hamba sahaya". Love has many meanings, caring is one of the example. But sometimes people interpret it wrongly. They interpret it as a relationship between boys and girls having contact with each other. It is also love, but that one full of emotion.But actually the true meaning of love is giving.


There is actually a simple explaination for that, or actually no explaination at all, because we know it and we do it everyday.

Still wondering???

Just take an example of yourself. If you are a muslim the more you love Allah the more you give. So the more you love the person the more you give him/her your love. You can give anything the person wants, eventhough it hurts you or make your life harder, but for love those obstacles that come into your way will be overcomed.

Loving something or someone is always beautiful, but what if you have to let it go? After all what you have sacrificed? Its gonna be so hard, isn't it? But what if your presence is making the one that you love suffered or even uncomfortable? You will leave it isn't, eventhough its hard for you.

So love is actually about giving in or giving out and it is always beautiful, because when you believe then you will see the truth..

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