Another one of the best memory for this week happened on the weekend and it because I played "paintball" for the first time. For those who doesn't know what paintball is, it is a game where you used a modified air gun (not like nerf)and it shoots paint bullets inside a plastic-liked cover. It was absolutely painful when you get hit by the bullets. I have got hit several times and they left marks. The most painful was when it hit my thighs. It was like being stung by bee, but didn't feel any burn after that and it still hurts until now.
The place where I played the game was not like the normal paintball field. Normally, people play paintball in the open field arena where it is the size of probably half to three-quarter of football field and there are giant air bags as shield or place to hide and take cover. But the arena I played was kinda natural arena, it's like garden but more to like used garden like in the movie "Rambo" or like one of the Chuck Norris's movies where he fought in Vietnam if I'm not mistaken. Here you have banana trees, piles of planks and tires as cover instead and it looked completely like a real battlefield for me. The arena was not so big probably about one-third of football field but it sucked all my energy running inside it. Moreover, I thought the gun was light since I've seen someone playing paintball in TV could run and aim so easily, but I didn't really know that the gun was actually that heavy (probably around 2-3 kg). I mean the gun itself was not heavy but it was the air tank that made it like carrying a laptop in a war. Besides, I wore a mask and it was hard to breathe while I was running and under pressure. The jacket also disturbed my movement since it was quite stiff, so it limited my movement.

The first picture is the normal paintball arena, the bottom one is the arena where I played. The guy inside the picture is not me. But he is one of the MVP player.
The game was great, my friends and I played four-by-four on each side and played 5 games with a break between games or someone has no more bullets or needed to add more air into the tank. Each game has 2 rounds, meaning you have to collect two points by winning 2 rounds. Each game has it's own mission and the whole games took like 2 hours. My team was kinda expert eventhough we are just starters and the other team has an experienced player, so it was kinda hard to decide which team was going to prevail.

The picture above was taken before we play the game. The aftermath picture can't be shown due to the maturity content and disturbing images such us broken bones, blood, lots of blood and wounded people. I look a bit stuffed there, but that is not actually like what it seems to be (second from the right). Eventhough I've gained some weight (8 kg) during the hiatus from 65 to 73 kg, My body is not really that big because it is the jacket that make it look like I'm fat. Besides I do have chubby face, even when my weight was 60 kg (excuses but true).
The atmosphere of the arena was pretty intense even before the marshal started the game. I felt nervous since I've never hold a gun after I completed my primary school. I mean I was once a guy who was one of the fearsome kids when it comes to this shooting games. It was not because of my skill but it was because of the gun that I used was somehow had a great shooting power. It could reach up to 50-80 meters. They used to call me "The Sniper", my best shot was 30m head shot(because the gun was heavy, hard to hold). So back in the day (primary 2 or 3), around my neighborhood, my friends and I used to play this shooting game using the air gun(not paintball gun) with a plastic bullets or we called it pellets(not sure the spelling is correct or not). We played it like almost everyday after the school has ended. So we gathered in front of my house and decided the teams. It was like playing hide and seek where one team is hiding and the other team is seeking. But this time we used air gun and need to finish the game by shooting the other team and see which of the team members stand the last. But after a few years later those guns were banned, but then my friends created something more extreme. They used candy/sweets cover bag and tied with rubber bands on both ends. It's like sling shots but we used our two fingers instead of tree branches. And you know what, we used stones as bullets. yes, stones. Probably half centimeter in diameter. Those stones would absolutely leave some marks if you get shot. And after the end of the game, we all always looked like we just had measles or chicken pox, I'm not sure which one is more suitable for such a mark but it's either one of them.
Back to the story
So before the game was started each team needed to go to their bases and then the marshal asked us to get in position. The moment the siren was on, my heart beat faster, my breathing rate increased and I directly run behind one of the covers and I said.
"Dayum, What am I doing here? I've retired from this and this is not my stuff anymore. I wanna go home. safe me god!!!"
It was seriously a terrifying situation I can say, but still better than being chased by a dog. I saw my team members were running towards the enemy base, they took several shots and took cover behind tires and trees. Seeing them made me like I was a complete coward, I wanted to help them but too scared to get shot, so I need to man-up and think that it is for the future of my team, I wont let them down. Then, I took a deep breathe, gained some courage and a few seconds later, I stood up, looked around for any target and once I saw someone I just started shooting. I shot whoever I thought was my enemy. Then, I hit one target and immediately took cover and then the marshal said GG (meaning the game is finished). It wasn't so bad ,my team won the first round and nobody in my team got shot. I was pretty impressed by my team's performance, they did well except for me. Honestly, it felt like a minute in that game with all hiding and shooting, but it was actually took 5-7 minutes to finish that round (not sure which one took me longer, hiding or shooting). My energy was depleted as the game ended. I literally showered in my own sweat.
According to the first game's result, we all can see which team was going to be the winner. Yes, it was the other team who won the overall games. My team only won the first game and lost the rest of the games (I think we were lucky that time). I didn't really know why, I mean I have totally man-up on the rest of the games. But you know, who cares about the results. The most important thing is we all had fun and we all did.
Becareful of what you're about to read, it is all just come from my assumption, nothing is real.
There was a rumor saying that the inventor of flappy bird is dead in suicide. But before that I've heard that he would delete his masterpiece for good. But the day I heard the news and the day he said that he's going to remove his game is the same. So it's kinda like one of the Frankenstein movies where Frankenstein created a monster by combining human parts from several corpses and after a few weeks the guy died besides the monster (I don't remember the name of the movie). The monster killed several people and created chaos around the town, same goes with flappy bird but it didn't kill people (Im not sure). At the end of the movie the monster run from the town and stayed under the iced cave carrying his dead creator. So here, I assume that the creator of flappy birds has the game in his phone(coz he was the creator) so the story is kinda repeated in some kind of different ways.
BUT, before he died, he had brought down his legacy to the world, because It seems like there are games following the same format as "Flappy Bird" one of them is called "IRON PANTS". This game is more crazy than Flappy birds. The inventors did really put so much effort to make the game ten times harder and ten times larger in size than flappy bird. I believe that he is one of the apprentices of the flappy bird's inventor. He has the blue print of flappy bird typed of game. I played the game for ten minutes, the best score I got was only 4. The game is pure evil. You can't even blink when you're playing the game. Because once you blink, it's GG. You really need to play this game in a remote, isolated and quiet place, where there is no disruption.
I don't know why but somehow It is easy to get new friends as well as lost some friends at the same time nowadays.
Easy. Like and comment on your friend's status or photos and you will become best friend forever or don't do anything on your friend's photos or status and you will become enemies or at least your relationship is loosened. About the past 5 years of my observation, I see that people love to communicate via apps or any chat services(text messages mostly) on their gadgets. They tell all their stories by just simply texting without knowing that the person on the other side is paying attention or just simply replying according to the situation(well, I did some when I'm busy). It's good to strengthen the relationship, but sometimes it becomes a bit weird. Because last time, I was chatting with one of my friends via "watsup". We chatted for quite a while (around 2 hours), we laughed and shared opinion, even there was a little debate I can say.
Here is the funny part.
A couple of days later, when I had my lunch, this person just sat beside me and we started talking about stuffs. After a while he suddenly talked about the thing we chatted a few days ago and somehow I talked back the way I did it a few days back. We did exactly the same as in the chat(all discussion, opinion, even debate), but this time didn't take a long time. Then after the conversation was over, I started thinking of why did I repeat the same thing. So I just simply forget it coz it probably just a coincidence (true story). But the thing is it happens almost everytime. So I was like, why did I talk to someone when we both know how this is going and how it is gonna end. I mean, it is just simply a waste of time. If you want to make sure a certain point then it's okay but here I did exactly the same as when I had the conversation via message/texting (Have we all experienced this?or It is just me). So I don't really know whether I'm a retard or just simply don't use my mind. Because there are a lot of other things that we can talk about instead of repeating the same stuff.
The worst is I think people prefer to chat/communicate via apps even when they are in some reunions with friends. So during that reunion all we do is just "texting with friends" or "congregation texting". I mean last time, during my stone age, when we were gathering for some occasions we only talked among us. We completely forgot and ignored anything and only interested in what was there. So each of us focused on someone who was talking or telling stories. Sometimes things I can say get better when we started to debate on something which was not actually matter. But it was somehow and somewhat just simply beautiful(you know the intensity of the situation) and somehow we wanted more. But now all these apps in gadgets have disrupted this harmony. I'm not saying gadget is bad. But it is the timing of using it sometimes just don't really come in the right time and place. I mean I am honestly annoyed when I'm talking to someone and suddenly that person gets a message and start replying all the way during the conversation, with a smile while replying. If it is from parents or something truly important than I can tolerate that. But if it just a regular "hi", I believe the person on the other side can wait for the reply. If the stories is not interesting then at least listen, don't just simply put your mind away and start chatting/texting to the person who is not even there. I don't want all of your time but respect is what I expect. DON'T YOU??
I realised that I have received some comments on my previous posts saying that I should have put pictures in my blog. I didn't know someone read my blog and I am grateful for that (crying with tears of happiness) . Well, this time I did but maybe did not really do it well cos I'm too
Funny sayings "Everything is happened for a reason, but sometimes the reason is because you are retarded"