Sunday, October 19, 2014


I just had one of the most shocking thing that actually had happened before. I mean somehow strange things have been occurring lately. I saw thing that I was not even sure whether it's true or not. So this thing happened a few weeks ago in my office (it's not actually an office, coz it just a room where I do all my work, but just let's say it's an office to make everything simple). So this one day all RA's were asked to do some cleaning of a former lecturer's room. Because he is retiring this year and the university wants to get rid of all his belongings. But, instead of asking cleaner or other staffs, they asked the RA. RA is not the same as staff, we don't really get any of the privilege nor even have to do any admin stuffs. We are required only to help our bosses to do their works, but need to be related to the research. Other than that, it is not our obligation to follow.

But since the university is the boss of our bosses, they can do anything to us. So what we did was removing papers, maps and thesis from his room which the whole things were literally filled every inches of the room space. Because when we opened the door, all we saw was piles of those and I wonder how did he get out of the room. After like I don't know how long and the room was half empty, we took a rest. We've found a mini fossil training excavator and brought it to our room. It's like a board made up of solid clay and inside the clay there was a fake dinosaur fossil. So we need to dig out the clay to find the bones and that thing came along with the tools. So we excavated the thing, and we need to be careful since the bones are representing the real bones even the hardness, so if we put so much power when digging, it could scratch or even break the bones.

After like 10 minutes, one of the staff was calling, and he needed people to carry some stuff into the van. I was unlucky to be chosen and there was a friend whom was picked as well. Then before we leave the room I saw one of my friend was sitting on his desk (my co-worker during kelantan trip). I wanted to asked him but since he was busy with what he was doing, I canceled my intention. So only the staff, my friend and I went. Then the staff asked me to lift one of the boxes and bring it downstairs to the van. Btw my office is at second floor. That staff has already stacked all boxes at the side of the staircase and he wanted us just to carry them to the van.

This is when shit happened

So I grabbed the box, put my hands in the right position, gathered all energy from the universe and make sure that I could lift it. So when I was about to lift that box, I saw my friend coming, running from downstairs. I was shocked, speechless and all those gathered energy just gone in the speed of light. That friend was my co-worker, the one that was supposed to be on his desk, infront of his computer, doing his work. So how the hell did he go downstairs? Who was that in the room?

Then I asked him several questions, and the point is he was already downstairs around 10 minutes. So now I have more people in the room, 4 human, 1 not sure. So it's just a matter of time before it shows itself again.

Recently just got back from a week fieldwork to Sarawak. Many things happened, but this time I didn't get the chance to see absurd stuffs like I did before in the previous trip. As expected I've got burnt again. Even my friend said "weh, you getting darker lately, what happened?" and I could only smile. Now I have billion tons of work, besides my supervisor wants to see the progress of my thesis at the end of this month. Didn't take any self or nature's pictures whatsoever, since I had only a week, but 3 and half days of effective time. Was not enough. Beside there was the time when rain came and I only able to start my work at noon. Another problem last time was the car stuck in the mud, and took two hours to get it out of the mud, with the help of lorry. The rest of the story is just my friend and I doing sedimentary logging, spent 4 hours straight under the hot sun. I was fully covered and protected from the heat and ray, but in the end I'm still burnt. I guess we can't beat nature.

People in this world are unique, each one of them has a specific characteristic that others don't have. Like someone can do 2 backflips within a single jump, someone can solve rubic cube within a minute or even seconds, or those who can read and memorize everything and remember it for the rest of their life and many more. Like myself, I have the ability of doing absolutely nothing for 15 minutes, nothing to be proud of but you get what I mean. I have a friend who does not let anyone to take picture of himself, neither alone or together. He's scared that someone might post those pictures online and something might take advantage of them, this guy has almost the same thought as I do. But I don't mind someone takes picture of me (if there is), since it just pictures. The worst case will be edited pictures of naked me on the internet.

The best thing about living your life is you have the chance to learn new things. You meet new people, with different thoughts that may sometime useful in the future. Because everything happens for reasons which give lessons. You can take or leave the lessons. So in the end, it's you who decide, nature can only guide you, but the decisions are all yours. I met this guy one day during fieldwork in Sarawak. I was doing the logging, and that time the sky was already as dark as night, and rain could come any minutes. So this guy was stopping by after seeing me sitting, looking, hammering, writing, measuring the rock in front of me. Standard question that all people ask when they see geologists looking at rocks is "looking for gold, are you?". I just smiled and told him that I'm studying this and that. So after answering questions and explaining things and now he knew that I wasn't looking for gold, he looked at the rock for a few second maybe to identify, I don't know. Then, I saw the cloud was darker from before, I thought that the rain could come any seconds, so I decided to end the fieldwork eventhough still plenty works to be done for that particular site. So I talked to this guy "Sir, I think the rain is about to come, better end this fieldwork", but he suddenly he said "Just do the work, it's not gonna rain, be positive, that's the only think you can do now" and then he left.

I don't know what to say, I mean you don't expect that kind of stuff came out from a stranger. Besides, how did he know that the rain was not gonna come soon? But in the end, I continued the fieldwork and after like 15 minutes, it stated raining. Because of that 15 minutes I got things that I would say I almost done with that site, since the rest was just taking pictures, and I did that on the next day.

So this man said, "be positive, that's the only thing you can do now" and it truly came into my mind after that. The power of being positive has seriously save me that day, not from danger, but from time that could actually be wasted. I know that we should always be positive about everything, either good or bad. Coz being positive may change how things react to us. For example you are scolded by your teachers, instead of getting angry or crumpling your face, try to smile. Coz that may change what they have in mind, like let say at first they plan to punish you. Since you show some smiley faces, they may cancel their intention for punishing you, but you'll be sent home and expelled since they thought that you are making fun of them.

Everybody has experienced of fighting, can be physical, mental and by words (arguing or debating). Among all the people I'm working with right now, I mean the RA's and students. We usually do that, but what we are arguing, are usually about opinion of general stuffs. But there is this one woman who likes to threat others after we argue, like punching, kicking tables, flipping chairs. Although it's not serious matter and something that we can laugh about, but when she loses the argument, she'll threaten us. everyone is laughing everytime she does that. So there was this one day when she lost a debate with me and suddenly she flipped my chair. Yes, flipped my chair and I was sitting on it. everyone was shocked, even myself. Then I said "relax girl, relax", everyone laughed. She thought I was going to do something about it since she moved a bit further after did that, but I didn't. Then she asked me "hey gals, have you ever punched someone? you look so soft"

After hearing that question, it triggered my manliness and brought back the old times and reasons why I don't punch people.

So I told everyone this story.

Back in primary school, I was not a good boy as I am today, I liked to fight people who challenged me. The standard reason was football and fight between groups. In one class itself there were more than 4 groups, and they were divided according to their hobbies, like sports or toys. It started with just talking but always ended up fighting, don't know why. I also fought my sister's classmate. She's 3 years older than me. The reason why I fought them, was because they always messed with my sister. You know as a brother you will have this urge feeling of protecting your siblings, especially sisters. So my sister's friend would run to me, told me that my sister is crying because of this guy. Without having so much thought, I searched for that person and normally punched him in the face. I usually ended up losing and crying, but not the baby crying. The manly tears, tears when you wanted to do something so much, but you couldn't since your bodies are beaten up so badly. How couldn't, I was fighting someone at least twice my own size and I was like 7 or 8 years old and my sister's friend were like 10 or 11. But those fight stopped when my sister entered highschool. Since then on, I fought my classmate or someone from other school, but same age.

Until this one day

So when I was in primary 5 during break time, two of my good friends were fighting over something. I don't what it was about, but I just heard that they were shouting at each other and all my friends were already circling and saying "fight, fight, fight" for boys. But girls said "enoough please,just forget it and be friends again"(I seriously don't know how to translate what the girls said, coz it has this Indonesian slang words, but it's something like that). I saw a few friends also tried to separate them both, but seemed to be useless because those guys were pretty angry and they just pushed whoever come in their way. So I ran towards them and I believed this time was my turned to calm them down, but somewhat I was wrong. I stood between them and my hands were holding both of them from punching each other. I told them to relax. That moment was pretty intense because they kept moving towards each other and I might get hit by one them. So after few seconds, the guy in my right hand side was cool down abit, I was relieved for a moment, but my hand was still holding him. Because I'm afraid that he might go on to this guy again. So after seeing him calmed, I turned my face to the guy on the left side.

But suddenly

A lightning fast of a crumpled hand(fist) hit right on my left cheek. I seriously didn't see that coming. In my head I was like "what the heck?why did u punch me instead?" It felt that somehow all veins in my cheek were dislocated, which trigger the true power that has been concealed inside of me and within a split second, I turned super sayian(someone might have seen my hair tuned yellow for a moment). Somehow all blood in my body just rushed into my right hand. I felt this urging desire to release all this confined power that has already accumulated at my fist. Without even looking at him, I directed my punch over his face and it hit on his left cheek(instinct). He flew for like 1 or 2 meters and fell on the ground. I stood still, waited for him to get up and ready for second round.

But, he stayed down on the ground. Not moving.

I waited for like 10 seconds but he was still laying down on the floor. Then I came closer and calling his name, but he didn't respond. I got closer to him, shook his body but nothing. This was the time when my sense got back and I turned normal straight away. Everyone was panicking. Then I shook again but nothing happened. Then I asked everyone to lift him to the back chair. Because the chair at the back of the class was like a long bench, so we laid him there. Everyone tried to wake him up by sprinkling water, little slaps to his face and calling his name. I stood still, faced him and wondered how did that even happen.

Everything was so fast. The time he punched me then I punched him back was probably less than 2 seconds. I looked at my hand, asking what kind of demonic power was that? I seriously thought I killed him. I've already thought what kind of life would I have if I did kill him. The prison that I'd go, how I'd be treated inside that, what my future would be. Everything.

But after I don't know how long, he started to move. That was one of the times when I felt so relieve. I was that close to be a murderer. Then I appologized to him immediately, but something unexpected happened.

Me: Hey, are you okay? I'm truly sorry for that.

Him: Huh? What happened? *rubbing his left cheeck

Me: What? you don't remember anything?

Him: Nope, What happened?

I heard everyone at the back said "don't tell him anything"

Me: Nothing, you stumbled and hit the table.

Him: oh,, okay..

After that everyone pretended nothing has ever happened. Everything went back to normal. We've never talked about it ever again. Thank god, he didn't remember anything about the fight and punch, otherwise it would be me and him having a second round. Hopefully he wont suddenly appear infront of me, when the elevator's door opens saying "You've been expected, pay back time". It'll be super weird. Seeing your old pal, standing infront of you, looking so tough and is prepared to beat your as* down. But probably this time, it'll be me who forget about the past. From that incident, I realize that I have the ability to make someone forget about the past. So for those who wants to forget something from the past, just let me know, I'll be happy to help. But the result is not guaranteed.

Funny sayings"Wise people will learn from other people's mistakes, good people will make mistakes for the others to learn"